Tuesday, 14 October 2014

risk assessment for using the dark room

Risk Assessment For Using The Dark Room 

What are the risks:
Level of risk
Why are you at risk?
Ways to prevent these risks:
The Developers which are liquids are located near the wall sockets. I could be electrocuted If the developer gets on it and I wipe the sockets.
There is no other place to put the developer as there is a lack of surface space. Therefore I have to ensure I do not splash the developer on the sockets when developing my image.
The dark room is confined the door is heavy; therefore if I am behind the door when it opens I could be injured.
Ensuring the door remains locked at all times when I am in the room and don’t stand behind the door when someone is about to open it and knocking and telling them I am about to enter so I do not injure anyone.
The developer is a chemical and constantly touching the developer can cause damage. It could go one my eyes and damage my vision.
Ensuring I use the tongs so the chemicals do not go on my hands although the chemicals are not too dangerous. I will ensure the chemicals do not splash in my eyes so I will stand at a distant. If it does I will immediately wash it out with water so it does not damage my vision.
The dark
There is minimal light; I could collide into to something causing injury.
I have to ensure I walk carefully and slowly in order to prevent myself from bumping into the counters and other objects and so I do not hurt myself.
The liquid on the photo might drip on the floor causing me to slip.
I have to make sure I do not let any liquid go on the floor.

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